𝚫 now-client

ZEIT is now Vercel

now-client is a tiny JavaScript wrapper for ZEIT's now API, to make interacting with it as simple as possible. It started off as a personal repo, then was named official after being transferred over to ZEIT. It has been deprecated since the release of API 2.

import Now from 'now-client'

const now = new Now('YOUR TOKEN')

const deployments = await now.getDeployments()

console.log(deployments) // Your ZEIT now deployments


ZEIT's now is great, but back in the days, it was missing a visual interface to manage your deployments. Luckily at that time, they released an API, which got me interested in building a Now desktop client.

While dabbling around with a proof of concept, I found it cumbersome to interact with the API directly. A wrapper seemed like a good solution to "dry" things up – so I decided to write now-client. I didn't end up building the desktop app and most likely never will, since Now Desktop is fantastic already. But hey, early versions of Now Desktop were based on now-client, so I guess everything went as planned.

Timo Lins
Developer + Designer from 🇦🇹

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